these vegetables are my favorite, its also among the the most nutritious vegetables as it contain almost every nutrient that chickens need , whether vitamin minerals or some of the majornutrient like carb and protein which make this delicious vegetables a great add to your flock diet.

chickens need more than any vegetables or fruit to thrive and survive thats why we are always reccomanding to chosse some top tier poultry feed whats more important then feed itself is the good storage condition.

back to cabbage there are already so many studies discussing the great effect of each nutrient found in cabbage to improve human health and wellbeing, however when it comes to poultry its very diffrent , how chickens benefit from every nutrient and how can affect their health productivity growth…etc.
every nutrient contribute in a diffent way sometimes your chickens need more of a specific vitamins , in some cases their life depend on adding vitamin supplement to their diet normally they usually dont need at all in normal condition, like vitamin c as they synthetize it that’s why its crucial to understand poultry needs.

let’s take another example chickens need more carbs in low temp condition laying hens and growing chiks needs more calcium and protein..etc.
sometimes food can also affect eggs quality as i remember one time my daughter told me that eggs taste and smell like fish it’s was a very weird experience at the time i wasnt able to explain the raison behind the smell until i found that my feed countain some fish powder.

sometimes egg yolk look brighter thats becaus of some vegetables that are high in dye.
cabbage is very nutrisious however it contain some compound that can be harmful to chickens which we will discuss later , we will learn about some tricks to eliminate the negative effect of some compound in cabbage.
glucosinolates luckily is not harmful to poultry as it for pigs and some animals however goitrogens can cause some serious problems
vitamin k
its well known the effective role of vitamin k in blood clotting which protect agaist hemophorage that can happen beacaus of the slightset injury or wound
it also protect against coccidiosis vitamin k important for bone development and egg shells a studies showed that vitamin k deficiency in chicks result in very slow growth rate